Monday, March 19, 2012

The Force is strong with this one. The "Mexican" force

I tell you...Nature couldn't be any wiser. It amazes me how different these little people (my kids) can be. Even when they are trying to mimic one another, they each inject their unique flavor into each one of their actions. My older daughters do not like spicy food at all, they won't have anything to do with it. So like their mother they routinely miss out on a lot of delicious meals prepared by my in-laws. However, unlike his sisters, this little man has found his way to yumminess. He just passed the 1 year mark, and you can already find him asking for more when it comes to 'salsa' as in chopped tomatoes, onions, cilantro and lime juice. No chips needed by the way. That is his 'Mexican' gene coming thru. All I need to do now is make sure he also likes my 'salsa'. El Gran Combo, Fania All Stars, Conjunto Clasico. Yeah, I'm a 'salsa vieja' lover kind of mom.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to see you here, so glad to know you. Thanks for sharing the precious moments and this will be a wonderful journey for you and your lovely children. Big hug!
